A big Thank You to Chris for providing all the info and stoke!

If you want anything else added just let me now.
I'll update it as I get more info.
Videos from Joseph Whidbey State Park.
Michael and Alton get worked
Directions to Joseph Whidbey State Park
To get here, I5 south to Mount Vernon, LaConner Exit west onto Highway West 20, follow Hwy West 20 to T in the road at the car dealership. Stay left on West 20 to Oak Harbour, up the hill out of Oak Harbour continue straight and follow the signs to Joseph Whidbey state park. Check forecast, Race Rocks & Smith Island for westerly. If RR has shutdown and Smith is blowing you normally only have a few hours at most.......not worth the trip. If Race Rocks is solid and so is Smith you've mostly likely got a full day.
JWSP Launch
EC East Entrance Of Juan De Fuca Straight
Airport Forecasts Whidbey Isl.
Oak Harbour Intellicast Hourly Updates
Forecast Discussion
Pressure tendency versus wind speed and direction:
Directions to Crescent Harbour.
Take HWY W20 towards Oak Harbour then veer left onto Northeast Regetta Drive. Turn onto North Torpedo Road which turns into Torpedo Road. Turn left on East Pioneer Way and follow it along the beach. East Pioneer Way turns into Polnell which you then follow to the East side of Crescent Bay. There are two right turn onto dirt roads off Polnell that both take you out to the launch. The bay is 1.5 miles wide from the launch and he said the waves were sweet head high off both point breaks on either side of the bay yesterday with 6-8 swell between the points.
The kiters were working the point break off Kalamut and the windsurfers off MC-36. The guys are stoked today will be even better with the higher winds forecasted.
Crescent Harbour
CH Launch
CH Launch Alt
Directions To Ebey Landing
This place is about fifteen minutes before Admiralty Bay. You basically head south on SR20 through the town of Coupeville then hang a right on South Sherman Road. After about 1/2 a mile you'll come to a "Y" in the road, stay right and then turn right on Ebey's Landing Road.
This road will take you to the top of a 1-2 mile long steep grass hill approximately 300 feet high that runs parallel to the shoreline. There's a few switch backs down to the bottom of the road where there's a parking area, picnic table and outhouses. This is the spot where I was sailing from.
Ebey Launch
Double Bluff Beach Cam http://dbcabin.com/live/