Harbour Air has applied to install a floatplane dock right next to Nexen Beach, this can potentially limit our sailing area. Please read and send a short comment TODAY to make our concerns heard. This Friday is the ultimate deadline for public comments, sorry I didn't know about this before.
What's happening:
* Harbour Air wants to operate floatplanes from Squamish
* They are applying to build a dock near Nexen beach
Concerns related to windsports:
* Floatplanes will likely be taking off and landing in the sailing area just south of Nexen
* Recreational watersports users and a floatplane aerodrome don't mix very well to say the least
* The application has zero acknowledgement of potential conflict with windsport users or even our existence. Not a good start at all.
* The application references an old "operational flight and landing plan" as an attached document, but it is nowhere to be found, neither on squamish.ca nor on tc.canada.ca nor in the Canada Water Aerodrome Supplement
* That plan is likely to be outdated as it doesn't account for the upcoming change in Nexen shoreline – a lot of land will be infilled moving the shoreline to the south.
* Also, it is unclear where the floatplanes will be landing and taking off when it's windy and wavy (i.e. when we're sailing), they call it the "inside landing area" which is likely the blind channel, i.e. we could be directly in their path as they take off, i.e. we could be kicked out of the best part of Nexen sailing area (immediately south of the blind channel)
What can you do:
* See attached documents that I downloaded from http://squamish.ca/showcase
* Write a short letter to the district's planning dept. telling them that the windsports sailing area is very important to you, that you use it often, and that you believe that the conflict between floatplanes and windsport users was not addressed in the application, and that in the application should not be approved until a suitable plan is put forward and sees a proper public consultation / discussion.
* Either email planning@squamish.ca referencing development application DP 530 / DP 2020-22 or submit a feedback form on http://squamish.ca/showcase (search for 2020-22, then click on the link "Request a public information meeting or submit a comment")
Personal note
I believe that we can coexist with floatplanes if they land / takeoff far enough and just taxi through the sailing area without restricting our usage anymore than any passing vessel would. However, it is far from certain that this is in fact their plan as they didn't even mention windsports in their application. They will likely end up taking off from calmer waters near the blind channel on windy days, which would interfere with us a lot more. Especially given the uncertainty of future spit access we need to fight tooth and nail about such things, we need to constantly remind the council that we exist and that we want to maintain and expand our water access.
We need to be heard now, before all the approvals are given and tons of money is sunk into establishing this terminal and routes. Don't need another access crisis a year from now. So please take a few minutes and write a letter with your concerns.
There's some discussion happening on facebook as well, and if you could cross post this to whatsapp and friends, that would be great.