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Cypress Mountain 2022/ 2023

When it's absolutely too cold

by Alton » Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:08 pm

Mike wrote:that's the name of my niece...

Mike - Well done. To keep your niece engaged you must show her this Yearning for Turning Playlist

AltonJr (Abrielle - my favorite daughter) watched it and described it as "sick!!!" ... if she returns to Vancouver in the winter she wants to start snowboarding ... in fact now she thinks skiing is for boomers like me.

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by Mike » Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:42 pm

Alton wrote:AltonJr (Abrielle - my favorite daughter) watched it and described it as "sick!!!" ... if she returns to Vancouver in the winter she wants to start snowboarding ... in fact now she thinks skiing is for boomers like me.

I know I'm not going to make a friend of Abrielle by saying this... But the young generation says her friends all ski and that she wants to , :D

For the videos, I'll pass them along to Summer. I hope they don't scare her off... My nephew on the other hand(who might me coming out here to live) doesn't need them to be motivated but I think he for sure will find them "sick" :twisted:
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by Alton » Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:46 pm

Day 73 - Fun skiing in the sun with Mike. Lion side was kinda crumbly. Eagle groomers much better. Crazy Raven was soft. Unusually uncrowded for a Friday.
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by Alton » Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:32 pm

Day 74 - Blue bird day at Cypress. Fun riding with Patrick (skiing) and me snowboarding. Hero groomers perfect for carving and aggressively holding an edge snowboarding. No weekend crowds today.

Chose to snowboard due to some knee pain from skiing yesterday.

Clay and Mike - My knee pain is not from repetitive angulation. I was actually caused by doing the splits (popping off my right ski) after my ski caught yours when unloading with you off the Raven chair (last Friday and this Friday)

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by Mike » Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:56 am

Alton wrote:Clay and Mike - My knee pain is not from repetitive angulation. I was actually caused by doing the splits (popping off my right ski) after my ski caught yours when unloading with you off the Raven chair (last Friday and this Friday)

If I was doing the splits, it would be my hamstrings that would go ;) . I don't really know if less binding tension would be safer??? My ski tension is set only at meduim which is fine for almost all my very moderate version of skiing (I'm tired of injuries keeping me from water sports!).
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by Alton » Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:07 am

Mike wrote:If I was doing the splits, it would be my hamstrings that would go ...

Splits is not accurate.

The best way I can describe the awkward position is like the "Saddle" yoga stretch except with toes pointing forward and knees spread apart.

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by Alton » Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:09 pm

Day 75 - Everyone expecting hard pack today was wrong. Hero groomers on Eagle chair. Chunky on Sky chair. Somewhere in the middle on Lions.

Worked on snowboarding short turns down the steeper runs like Jasey Jay, Cascade and Rainbow ... what a workout!!!

Surprisingly uncrowded with 2 to 5 min wait times.

Patrick was on skis again. Wished I could have joined him but still recovering my right knee.

Still loving my new snowboard boots. Feels like my snowboard switched from a blunt edge to a sharp blade.

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by Mike » Mon Mar 20, 2023 6:00 pm

Day 2 - Summer. The deal was she would go on Lions if I did Unrun. In hindsight, don't think that was a great deal for me. ;)
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by Alton » Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:47 pm

Mike wrote:Day 2 - Summer. The deal was she would go on Lions if I did Unrun. In hindsight, don't think that was a great deal for me. ;)

Nice. Did your niece ski or snowboard?
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by Mike » Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:49 am

She snowboards. She's interested in skiing but season's almost done so better to stick with what she knows for now.
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