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Anybody in Vancouver Downwind SUP Foiling?

When there's absolutely no wind

by Mike » Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:23 am

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by Slappy » Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:13 am

Switching my technique to keep my hands on the board until my feet are on the board has paid off and my strike rate has gone way up. Now I just need to focus on getting my posture lower and staying centered over the board.

- stubbed my toe (same one I broke 6 weeks ago) on a run up
- took a mast to the elbow
- strained the muscles in my left hand (not even sure how)

It was also rather chilly last night. Once I hurt my hand and couldn't keep the pace up I got cold fast.

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by cjsknight » Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:56 am

Well, got myself down to the beach around 6:15 this morning and got a little over an hour in. First 30m or so was brutal, just couldn't land the starts, but finally started getting more consistent towards the end. Didn't catch my best runs on video but I uploaded some pretty typical examples once I finally started sticking the starts.

Keen to try off the dock you guys are using, I'm thinking the run up might make it easier to get body momentum where you need it. Critical thing for me seem to be the placement of my hands on the board to feel the pressure before jumping on.

Anyway, keen to try again, maybe tomorrow or Sunday if there is no wind.
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by Slappy » Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:36 am

Looking good Chris, ladder setup looks nice, especially easy to get back up on. What board are you using?
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by adam2 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:06 pm

Nice job Chris, that ladder setup does looks great!
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by cjsknight » Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:58 pm

Hey thanks,

Board is home built, cedar planks, carbon deck, 2oz glass.

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BTW let me know if you guys ever want to try the docks at Cat Lake - I'd love to but hard to motivate to go up there alone. Will likely do another dock / ladder session this wknd as wind looks light - or maybe head to Squamish to check out the new beach...
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by Slappy » Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:18 am

Took the Kluber out kitefoiling yesterday and it was a real struggle at first but once I figured it out it was amazing to kite, I might need to join Daniel in the flipper club from now on. Starting goofy is still a real challenge but by the end of the day I was nailing my foot switches no problem.

When towed by the kite the foot placement is a little bit different, but once you turn off the kite (Peak's only) you can adjust to a nice pump stance and pump effortlessly. The best thing I found for dock start practice was to put the kite to 12 o'clock and then let the board glide down until it's almost touching the water then pump back up to high on the mast. It's similar to a dock start where you jump, glide, then recover via pumping.

Carrying the gear with that 1.8 kg board was super nice too.

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by Slappy » Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:58 am

Progressing but struggling with hurting my front hand while supporting my weight jumping on to the board.

3-4 boats hauled out at the "good" ramp during my session. 1 boat docked at my ramp to let people off and 1 boat hauled out at my ramp.

One thing that EVA blocks did work out for was getting up off the dock after climbing up the ladder. I actually put a lot of strain on the same muscles in my hand when getting up so it was nice to have them for that at least.

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by cjsknight » Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:07 pm

This is great Angus.

I gotta try again this week before work. Had awesome wing session at porteau Sunday so haven’t been out again.

I think you may stick more starts if you move a bit slower? Speed = stability but there are diminishing returns. Ive found moving slow lets me focus, put pressure with hands, then place feet more accurately. Then start pumping right away.

For me the mantra is “up and over” - I think yr landing slightly back of where you need to be - I was doing same, used to the pressure of the wing.
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by Slappy » Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:11 pm

I've had the PNG 910b for almost a year but I've always thought it was a bit too small to learn dockstarts on at 1260 sqcm but I figured I should give it a go because the PNG series is known to be easy to pump.

It's definitely easier to pump than the Spitfire 1180. It's also a lot nicer to mount with 15 cm less overhang needed which makes for more consistent starts.

Pumping on it definitely takes more energy than the 1180 but at least I'm getting to the point now where I'm starting to fall because of energy output opposed to balance. I also need to learn how to turn while pumping now. I think I've got it mostly figured out, just tiny little pumps while cornering.

This wing is also super light compared to the 1180 which is an added bonus.

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