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Thursday Acadia

Weather talk and On Site Reports (604)800-2770

by Mike » Thu May 09, 2024 4:47 pm

I hung around the foilers at Locarno for a little while lamenting the idea of the low tide walk with wind foil gear. I noticed YVR reading at 15-16 knots so pulled the trigger and choose the even longer walk at Acadia. 11M kite and SB was a solid solo session. Seeing the hovercraft doing some sort of drills? near the sandbar was interesting. The best part was the seal surfing. One time I saw him pumping in front of the wave.... then he caught it. His big grin in my direction was priceless as I showed my appreciation with a shaka. :D
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by shmish » Fri May 10, 2024 8:51 am

I got to Locarno around 3:30 and rigged a 5.2 with my 800 wing. Full on power, I couldn't really sheet in. Close to Locarno and Jericho it was reasonably steady and I think it must have been around 24 kn. A few of us went over the handle bars a few times hitting fish, and I nailed a seal. Other than hitting marine life, it was a pretty stellar afternoon session.
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by Slappy » Fri May 10, 2024 10:36 am

Snagged a 50 min after work session last night.

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