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La Ventana or Las Barriles

Windsurfing shop talk

by Pavel » Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:34 pm

I’m planning my first trip to Baja next year. Which location would you choose La Ventana or Las Barriles? Going with a non windsurfing family member and a kid.

Thanks in advance,
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by mjamero » Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:08 pm

Hi Pavel,

When do you plan to go and what sort of conditions are you looking for? I have not been to Las Barriles but have been to La Ventana. Many members here go to LV religiously. If you are looking at strictly Baja then LV would be the place to go for wind sports I suspect. My wife and I went March, 2018. LV got hit with a strong El Norte while we were there which made for REALLY challenging conditions. I went for fun, civilized conditions and the El Norte made the wind sport side of the trip disappointing (the main point of going). Still was an interesting trip overall though. If you like those type of conditions, go but be warned. If you prefer flat water sailing be warned that depending on the time of year you may go and get punished in LV.

Unless you are committed to Baja or Mexico in general, I suggest an alternative; TOBAGO. Having been to both in the winter for wind sports I'd take Tobago again over LV in a heart beat. Nice flat water Caribbean logoon sailing. If you time it right you can coordinate with carnival in Trinidad (Port of Spain) which is what we did. Further, coaches like Jem Hall, Guy Cribb, and Peter Hart run regular clinics out of Tobago if you are in to that sort of thing. Jem Hall's beginner to Winner instructional Windsurfing video was filmed there.

If you go to LV, contact Wyatt Miller and Tyson Poor with Pro Windsurf La Ventana: You can book everything through them from gear to accommodation. All you need is your flights. Most will agree, if you go to LV for windsurfing, Wyatt and Tyson with Pro windsurf LV are where you must be. They are wind and water wizards.

If you do Tobago then Brent Kenny with Radical Sports is the man and place to contact. Same, I believe you can book everything with them. Just need flights. They have everything you need from lessons to gear. The vibe is awesome.

We booked our Tobago trip through Vela Watersports for convenience. If (when) we go next time we'd probably just book directly with the providers and skip Vela as the middle person (save a few bucks). Contact Radical Sports for the windsurfing side and Shepard's Inn for the accommodation. Then book your own flights to Tobago (likely through Port of Spain).

Both are top-notch full-service wind sports providers and destinations. I feel your family may have a more interesting time in Trinidad/Tobago though if they are not in to wind sports. LV is fun but it's a bit more "rustic" and your family may get little board unless you are there just a few days. To me, LV feels like a hold-me over destination. Tobago feels like you really went on vacation/adventure. My 2 cents.

Last edited by mjamero on Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by adam2 » Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:45 pm

I've been to both and got absolutely skunked at Los Barilles. I think I had 1.5 days in 10 that went off, it's way more fickle than LV, though when it does go it has way better swell. I wouldn't ever risk going back to Los Barilles.
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by Pavel » Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:00 pm

Thanks for the replies. I’m looking at Baja because of a short, direct flight which makes it a good one week destination. Tobago looks amazing for a longer trip. I’m thinking to go in Jan, Feb. I’m ok with strong wind, never sailed in waves though. I’m considering taking one on one lesson or join a clinic.
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by JonathanP » Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:56 pm

I did a few days in Los barriles last fall. Wind was fairly light, lighter than LV, and swell was fun right on the shore for foiling, but LV had much smoother swell and no boats to dodge, probably way better for windsurfing. Definitely some shore pound in LV South when the windswell really picks up, but probably pretty chill from the more central beach launch. Los barriles seems to be more of a resort/, condo atv retiree vibe while LV is more kicked back rural area with more of a natural feel
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by Cathulu » Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:58 pm

I go to Los Barriles to windsurf and have for many years. Stay away, go to La Ventana, Los Barriles sucks like everyone says!

I will be going back to LB next year in January. Great swell, good wind. This year was not a great year for wind but foiling levels it out. Lots of green this year and cows fat, so less thermal driver. Hoping for better next year. Enjoy Baja!
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