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by Alton » Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:40 pm

Patrick wrote:Hey guys I just picked up a T. rex from Darren at Feral in White Rock. He's got sweet deals on Tyrants and T. rex boards.

Awesome. When you get a chance to ride your T-Rex, let me know how you like it.
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by Chris Klohn » Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:25 pm

george wrote:Chris, you will get as many opinions as there are options re. a surfboard. Some say you should be on a board the size that you would surf. Others say never bigger than 6ft.
I'm somewhere in between. I think you don't need the volume of a proper surfboard, but the traditional shape is good.
If you just want to gash everything, a small board will do. Personally, I want to get on a wave and surf it...just park a powerless kite till I need it to go somewhere else.
Custom or production, straps or strapless, poly, epoxy, or something start with I think you won't go wrong with a good board that won't break...KPS in Bellingham has two boards they would be good to start, on sale. Slingshot verve or tyrant 6'1". Solid, nice shape, good for a big guy. A friend is 6'7", 230lbs and he rides these.
You can ride with straps or remove them. I pretty much started strapless cause of an old hockey ankle explosion and two surgeries later...just hurts too much to be strapped to a board that gets hung up in the water when I crash. Its not hard, and really the only downside is you don't jump as much/high, and getting to the outside on a bigger day requires an intimate relationship with the chicken gybe.
Once comfortable then you can start to blow the dough on a quiver/customs, etc., but either of those boards will last, and you won't outgrow them. No affiliation, just a great deal and good people there at KPS.
Anyway, if you want to know more, just ask. As you know, the only thing better than being on the water, is chirping about the gear, lol. I'm no pro, and there are more experienced/talented kiters here than me, and they can chime in, but just know this...its a deep dark place where you are going, and though you will find what you seek ... you will suffer even more...haha...another strapless crackhead on the way!

Thanks for the advice George. I'm down to the Lower Mainland mid May and will checkout KPS and both boards you mentioned. There's always surf here on the Absheron Peninsula when it's windy and that sounds like it would fit the bill perfectly.
Chris Klohn
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